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The Wireless Industry’s Commitment

The U.S. wireless industry is focused on reducing carbon emissions, embracing more sustainable practices, and constructing more resilient and energy-efficient networks. The three nationwide providers have greenhouse gas emission reduction goals (by 2040) that are equal to the energy used by 2.5 million homes.


Answering the Call: Wireless
for Good


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Verizon is a leading corporate buyer of U.S. renewable energy, entering into purchase agreements totaling approximately 3.3 GW of projected renewable energy capacity.


With its Gigaton Goal, AT&T aims to empower its business customers to reduce a collective 1 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions between 2018 and 2035.


T-Mobile is aiming for a 95% reduction in energy consumption per petabyte of data traffic by 2030.


Intel has achieved net positive water in the US, meaning the company returned and restored more fresh water to watersheds than it used.


Ericsson energy-saving software solutions are enabling up to 97% less power consumption at low traffic.


Nokia is modernizing its base station equipment, which can help providers save up to 53 tons of annual CO2 emissions and realize 70% energy savings per site.


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